

    In Vitro Fertilization

    Fertility treatments


    As a fertility clinic, our main motivation is the happiness of our patients. we understand the reality of each of them, that’s why we want to fulfill the illusion of being parents.

    In vitro fertilization or IVF is one of our methods of star assisted reproduction in our clinic, its goal is to obtain one or more embryos of optimal quality that can be transferred to the patient’s uterus to allow the occurrence of pregnancy. 

    At Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which the patient has the opportunity to ask all the questions he has in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we will be able to determine the type of case of our patient, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help him.


    Artificial Insemination

    Fertility treatments


    Artificial insemination is one of our most traditional assisted reproduction plans, this treatment is indicated for couples whose sperm number or mobility is decreased, as well as by difficulty of penetrating sperm into the uterine cavity due to problems of the cervix or presence of antibodies against semen, among other factors. Its purpose is to support couples in the process of achieving a pregnancy. Every case is different and that’s why it’s important for us to successfully serve each of them, the happiness of our patients is our priority.

    At Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which the patient has the opportunity to ask all the questions he has in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we will be able to determine the type of case of our patient, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help him.


    Happy Baby at Home

    Fertility treatments


    Happy Baby at Home is one of our fertility treatments, designed for people who have not been able to conceive a pregnancy naturally or are aware of any genetic disease and do not want to pass it on to their baby. 

    At Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which the patient has the opportunity to ask all the questions he has in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we will be able to determine the type of case of our patient, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help him.


    Egg Donation

    Fertility treatments


    Our goal as a fertility clinic is to make illusions come true, we understand what our patients live and our goal is to get them to have their babies. We have a 90% success rate in fertility cases treated in the clinic and we are the first fertility clinic in Colombia that guarantees to fulfill the illusion of being a parent.

    Egg Donation is one of the alternatives we offer in Surrogacy Florida Consultants as a fertility method, indicated for patients whose quality of their own eggs is low, or for patients who by their very nature do not produce eggs. There is often a desire to have babies but for different factors this is not possible, whether by age, by sex, among others. 

    With Egg Donation this will no longer be an impediment. In Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which patients have the opportunity to ask all the questions they have, in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we can determine the type of case of our patients, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help them.


    Pomeroy FIV

    Fertility treatments


    Fertilization between the egg and sperm takes place in the fallopian tubes, when a woman performs a tubal ligation as a method of contraception is said to be irreversible as in these cases it would be preventing her from naturally becoming of this process. however, there is treatment that allows women with pomeroy to fulfill the illusion of receiving.

    In Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which patients have the opportunity to ask all the questions they have, in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we can determine the type of case of our patients, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help them.


    Unconditional Love

    Fertility treatments


    Uterine surrogacy is one of our fertility plans designed to help homoparent couples with the intention of forming a family with babies, in this case gay couples.

    As a Fertility Clinic our main motivation is to fulfill the illusion of our patients of being parents, we are characterized by being a clinic with inclusive sense and we understand that love has no conditions or genders. We understand the reality of our patients, their happiness is our happiness.

    In Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, first we like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which patients have the opportunity to ask all the questions they have, in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we can determine the type of case of our patients, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help them.

    Unconditional Love is Surrogacy Florida most complete assisted reproductive plan, as it requires the participation of both an egg donor (ovodonation), and the support of a surrogate mother (uterine surrogacy), and is carried out through in vitro fertilization with the patient’s sperm.


    Baby Miracle

    Fertility treatments


    Miracle Baby is one of our newest fertility plans, it is a treatment that allows us to diagnose any damaged gene found in future parents and that can cause some disease in the baby, from a genetic diagnostic test.

    We feel committed to the happiness of our patients, we understand that we are often afraid to inherit to our children certain diseases of which we are carriers, that is why in Surrogacy Florida Consultants we offer this service, we want our patients to fulfill the illusion of being parents without worries. 

    At Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which the patient has the opportunity to ask all the questions he has in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we will be able to determine the type of case of our patient, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help him.


    R.O.P.A. Method

    Fertility treatments


    The ROPA method or reception of eggs of the couple is one of our best options in fertility treatments designed for homoparent couples, in this case for women who want to carry a shared matern

    ity. In Surrogacy Florida Consultants before starting any treatment, we first like to speak clearly with our patients, that is why initially a consultation is made in which patients have the opportunity to ask all the questions they have, in order to clarify any doubts.

    Following this space, our specialists will perform a diagnostic examination, in this way we can determine the type of case of our patients, which will allow us to make a decision regarding the appropriate treatment to help them.

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