How Effective Is Artificial Insemination?

    Artificial insemination is a simple assisted reproduction treatment, it consists of the simple introduction of male gametes (sperm) from the partner or a donor, into the woman’s uterus.

    This artificial insemination process is the most similar to the natural process and is one of the simplest techniques, so it can be assumed as an assistance, rather than an intervention. Once the sperm is placed inside the uterus, they must follow their natural way through the fallopian tubes, until they reach the mature egg and fertilize it successfully.

    The first thing the couple should do is to find professional consultancy and access to a fertility test for both, man and woman. This allows to discard and give a good diagnosis, which also allows to have a high effectiveness in the treatment, depending on the condition.

    When going to a fertility medical center, and checking that the conditions for pregnancy and gestation are okay, the main thing would be to receive recommendations or instructions that proceed with an artificial insemination treatment.

    The conditions for the insemination treatment to be feasible are:

    -Permeable fallopian tubes.

    -Good seminal quality, in terms of morphology, mobility and sperm concentration.

    -Ability to ovulate, whether spontaneous or induced.

    -Age less than 36 years

    However, for artificial insemination to be successful, other factors must be considered, associated with the couple’s previous requirements and the treatment itself.

    Effectiveness of artificial insemination

    According to studies and experts in gynecology, the success rates in artificial insemination techniques are between 18 and 20%. This means that in several occasions artificial insemination is not fully effective in the first cycle. After several sessions or cycles of artificial insemination, from the second cycle (usually between 2 to 6 cycles are performed), the effectiveness rate (accumulated rate) is increased, achieving a percentage of 45 to 50% of success.

    However, to achieve these success rates, there are certain negative factors that influence the result, some of those factors that are involved in this technique would be:

    Age of the woman:

    Since she is born, a woman loses a large amount of her total number of eggs, a natural condition. And from the first menstruation, the woman would be left with just 400,000 oocytes, which it means, she will only have a few eggs that reach her mature stage. In other words, women from 35 years old have a significant decrease up to 66% in the chances of pregnancy. For this reason, an evaluation of her ovarian reserve is needed, so it can be stablished the fertile level of the woman, before starting the treatment.

    Age of man:

    Although the male role in the insemination process is not usually discussed, it is recommended to take his age in consideration, because a man over 40 years old usually suffers from a fragmentation or loss of seminal quality, causing breaks or injuries in the sperms genetic material, resulting in a large percentage of infertility.

    Alteration that causes fertility problem:

    The main causes or alterations that affect woman’s fertility are: alterations in the menstrual cycle, absence of ovulation, diseases or abnormalities in the fallopian tubes or uterus, endometriosis, cervical mucus or discharge that helps sperm getting to the egg, stress, serious illness or disease, obesity, anorexia or some other cause of undetected infertility.

    The main causes that affect male fertility are: low seminal quality, hereditary factors, occlusions, hormonal disorders, vasectomy, infectious diseases, varicocele, retrograde ejaculation, seminal diagnoses such as azoospermia, oligospermia, asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, weight, sexuality disorders and stress.

    Ovarian reserve quantity

    If the treatment is taken by a couple under 35 years old, that age should not be a problem, this is totally associated with the woman’s age, since the ovarian reserve of a woman between 20 and 30 years old is fully functional and less limited. At the same time, the ovarian reserve may be affected by a bad lifestyle and toxic habits can also reduce your reserves and natural capacities for pregnancy.

    ¿Qué tan efectiva es la inseminación artificial? inseminacion artificial

    Sperm quality:

    To evaluate the quantity there are terms of volume, concentration, morphology, quantity and mobility. Nowadays it is a very discussed factor, due to the fact that the majority of men are significantly overweight; There are also chemicals and materials in the environment that fragment sperm DNA; finally, sperm quality can be affected by toxic habits, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

    If the couple is not affected by most or any of these factors, artificial insemination treatment will be widely recommended. Taking into consideration three cycles of artificial insemination. The rates are represented below.

    Artificial insemination ADI (Donor)

    • Less than 35 years: 28% effective in the first cycle, 48% effective in the second cycle and 63% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Between 35 and 37 years: 25% effective in the first cycle, 44% effective in the second cycle and 58% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Between 38 and 40 years: 20% effective in the first cycle, 34% effective in the second cycle and 48% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Over 40 years: 9% effective in the first cycle, 17% effective in the second cycle and 20% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.

    Artificial insemination ACI (Conjugal)

    • Less than 35 years: 16% effective in the first cycle, 30% effective in the second cycle and 41% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Between 35 and 37 years old: 15% effective in the first cycle, 29% effective in the second cycle and 40% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Between 38 and 40 years: 14% effective in the first cycle, 27% effective in the second cycle and 35% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.
    • Over 40 years: 5% effective in the first cycle, 10% effective in the second cycle and 15% effective in the third cycle of artificial insemination.

    This data is based on the result of the beta HCG hormone, which is measured 14 days after the transfer, looking for the first signs of pregnancy. If it is positive, it means from that moment on, that nature takes its course and the baby is on the way.


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